Saturday, August 22, 2009

Being a Blogger

This is my 1st time blogging. I always thought that i would never in my life be a blogger, because i was really understand what was the use of blogging. I am still wondering though, is it so everyone will read about what you do and give u comments or just to let out your thoughts when you have no one to go to? I was actually quite scared if i were to open a blog it be useless cause i mostly have nothing much to say and it just bore people who read it. Anyway, I just thought today i may give blogging a try. Well don't really know what to talk about actually but i just wanted shout out something. (that something will be after this whole message)

I know i am not much of a writter because i don't really get good grades in my exams for essay writing and please don't mind any spelling errors. I don't feel like reading my message all over again and checking spelling errors, but i mean seriously who does? ( no offence to anyone)

Well today i was at home, you know doing the usual, using the computer and i am trying to gain back my passion for something. I hope i get it back. Nevermind, continuing with the rest of my blogging, I was suppoe to bake something today but got no ingredientd and i don't feel like going out to buy it. On Firday, it was fun because my class had to cook for the 1st time this year and last year for me. We had to get into groups of 3-4, i partnered up with Cher and Kay. We decided to cook mushroom soup, spaghetti, mix fruit juice and pancakes with ice-cream. ( I will make another post about this) Anyway, it was a fun day although it was the last day of school because we were gonna go for our 1 week holiday.

I just realized the is post and dashboard. I forgot to tell you that i don't know much about computers although the words are just basic words on the computer. So, i don't know what is the difference between posts and dashboards.... =D

I guess i am done for this post. Oh yeah about the shoutout i wanted to say was:-

When people actually say they have nothing to do,
actually they do have a lot of things to do. JUST THINK ABOUT IT.

Feel free to leave comments because i wanna what i am doing wrong.. hope people will follow me and posts.

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